Marketing Your Business in the Off-Season

DPA Impact Off Season Marketing

The off-season is the perfect time for seasonal businesses to bolster their marketing efforts. Optimized marketing during slower months keeps current customers engaged so that your business stays at the forefront of their minds. It also gives you an opportunity to cultivate leads for future business.

Here are some things to consider as you develop your off-season marketing strategy:

Beef Up Your Online Presence

 The off-season is a prime time to create and/or develop your online presence.

Nowadays, almost everyone uses the internet as a universal research tool. Websites might seem challenging and time-consuming for you to create/maintain, but it is imperative for your business to have a strong visibility online. 

From free social media platforms to inexpensive website designs, there are options available that suit every budget and skill level.

DPA Impact can build and maintain a website to attract and keep loyal customers. See our recent blog post for more details.

Amplify Your Database

Use the off-season to build your list of leads for the busy season by hosting giveaways or contests that allow you to capture contact information of potential new customers.

You can also incentivize satisfied customers to offer referrals in exchange for special discounts or gift cards.

Positive online reviews are another way to build your customer base. During the off-season, take the time to ask your current customers to review your business online. Make it quick and easy by providing a link directly to the review site so that all they have to do is click and review.

Utilize Email Marketing

Use social media and email marketing (with permission) to provide useful content for customers that keeps you on their radar. For content ideas, consider what your business is really about.

For example, a residential lawn care business is about providing a beautiful and welcoming yard. Your off-season content should focus on maintaining that beauty. Consider sharing tips and ideas about outdoor holiday decorating.

A farm is about nourishing the family with food for their table. Nourishing others is a very personal experience. In the off-season, you could connect with your customers on a personal level by writing stories about your family’s life in farming.

Create a Podcast

Podcasts are one of the hottest marketing tools around, and the off-season is an ideal time for you to create one for your business. Check out our recent article on how DPA Impact can help you create your own podcast to connect with your customers and reach potential customers.

Offer Off-Season Incentives

 Reach out to existing customers to offer them special packages for next season, or products and services to get them ready for next season.

Entice customers during the off-season with special offers like reduced prices or “flash sales.” (Limited time offers spur spending!)

Build Customer Loyalty

Hosting special events during the off-season is a great way to build customer loyalty. Consider hosting a preview party for next season’s offerings (with pre-season pricing specials) or a simple social event to express your gratitude for their business.

DPA Impact Can Help

The work you do to build your brand during the off-season will put you ahead of the competition year-round. Optimize the success of your next peak season by letting DPA Impact create an off-season marketing strategy for you.


DPA Impact

900 Bud Boulevard

Fremont, NE 68025


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Let DPA Impact help your company build a strong online brand presence.

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